Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hello regional friends,

We are putting together a video for the song "Carry On" and we need some help from you. The last part of the video is going to be a show and we need an audience. That's where you come in. The first 100 people to e-mail will be able to come and be featured in the video.

The shoot will take place in Center City Philadelphia on Monday from 7-10 pm. Make sure you have your parents' permission and you WILL attend. Please don't respond unless you plan on coming!

So if you are able to make it, are ready to have a good time and help us make a great video send us an e-mail to VALENCIABAND@GMAIL.COM Subject: Carry On Video. Also be sure that your full name is in the body of the e-mail. We will respond to the first 100 people with the information about where, when, what to wear, etc.

Thanks so much and we look forward to seeing you all there!



1 comment:

RamshackleAnts said...

Hey! We met there.. Fun fact.


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