Thursday, April 09, 2009

new mewithoutyou song

not so sure how i feel about it. i'm going to wait for the whole album to judge... but something seemed a bit boring about it, maybe i just need to get into the lyrics and see what's really going on here. i dig the sounds and all but it seems to drag a bit. aaron's usual quirkiness isn't really shining through. i was also expecting more from the bridge.

on second listen. the song is great for the first 2 minutes but it doesn't go anywhere from there... i was hoping form more of a build, get to a place where mewithoutyou really shines... in the chaos. aaron shouting and convincing me that he means every word he says, the drums filling space with huge fills and interesting beats and the guitars really whaling. i didn't really get any of that from this song. seems like a song that will grow on me when put in context of the whole album, but i just hope the whole album isn't like this.

despite what seems to be a negative review here, i'm REALLY excited for this new album. they ahve been one of my favorite bands from the first i ever heard of them when i borrowed their cd from a high school girlfriend, never to return it. i loved even more when i saw them live (we played our first show ever with max with this band and owen at the tla in philly). I also grew to love them more with both of the albums passing, seeing how they grew and morphed into something more mature in the same sort of time frame that i was going through. hopefully this album keeps on the same plane and doens't dissapoint. needless to say, i have high hopes for this album. cant wait to hear it all!

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