Thursday, March 26, 2009

i've said it before and i'll say it again: twitter is ruining blogs.

ever since twitter started i haven't actually written a blog of my own. i've just been doing twitter-style one line blogs with a video or a picture attached. it's kind of sad. i always thought the blog was a great place to say what i needed to say and keep up with writing. a place to actually do something of thought and of value. i guess i could still do both, it's just hard to find the time to update valencia's blogs, valencia's twitter, my twitter, video updates, friends or enemies pictures and whatever else there is to update on the internet on top of writing thoughtful/meaningful blogs.

long story short, i've got some time right now so i wanted to share something actually relevant and thought out.

today i wanted to share a random memory of this cd. i remember someone handed me a burned cd in about march of 2003. all it said was 'emo meets techno'. that cd was the postal service's 'give up'. i remember being so dumbfounded by the concept. i had no idea that it was ben gibbard or jenny lewis or james scott tamborello. i probably had no idea who any of those people were. the best part about it was that it opened my mind up to a whole new way of looking at songs. this all may sound pretty cheesy and stupid, but it's true. the postal service was really something that hadn't been done much before, especially the concept of it. sending things back and forth and taking your time with things and creating when it was time to... not because you thought you should or because people wanted another album that sounded like the last. it was fresh and new and because they felt like making music.

in any event, it's a great album and i enjoy listening to it. i've since grown to love dntl, death cab, rilo kiley and all of their respective bands and associated projects. it definitely opened up my world a bit. the point i guess i'm trying to make is that burning cds and downloading music is one of the greatest inventions ever. even though i had to investigate on my own to find all that other stuff out, it all started with one burned cd with a cryptic message on top.


in other news, i haven't written a full song in a very long time. i need to get on that. i've been writing riffs and parts, i need to sit down and put it all together. - that's my twitter-esque ending.


Melissa said...

:( true.

you should write more on here. i always find what you post interesting, when you post legitimate, like, thinking things. ...sorry for the hideous wording, it's three in the morning and i'm taking a break from writing a paper; my brain is fried.

point being: twitter is bad for blogging and longwinded things. i have a blog, and i've been sorely neglecting it recently as well. i also think i've started to think in 140 character thoughts.

Sarah said...

the All Time Quaterback CD that Ben put out is still one of my all-time favorites of his projects.

ming-ming said...

I love Death Cab and The Postal service <3
Going to see Death Cab on the 5th and I'm a happy bunny!

I'm not sure if Twitter, for me, ruins my blog. I love posting blogs and I go out of my way to do so.
But I can imagine keeping up with all your Tweets and band stuff it can get quite annoying.

And it's true.
Burning music has opened my eyes to so much more music.
Of course, I spend equally as much money buying CDs, vinyls and stuff from iTunes, but really.. how can you discover all these bands when you can barely find money to feed yourself?


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