Saturday, March 28, 2009

i was bored on a thursday night. the office was over, 30 rock was over.. so we took a few photos. here are some of them:

a gas mask that was in a bag that i bought at army navy... could come in handy

making a weird face. listening to marilyn manson?

more gas mask.

bq holding it down with hodge - attempt #1.

attempt #2 --- attempt #1 wasn't hard enough bq, try again.

the hardest holding it down shot yet. with john from the grog shop in cleveland.

so there you have it, i guess.


Nicole said...

oh god... what an ugly lady i am.

Melissa said...


also that last one before hodge holdin' it down or whatever is intense.


crazy hair fest '08

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My photo
i'm a reasonable man, get off my case.